Reward Tokens
Mint Tokens

Minting Token

This API endpoint is used to mint tokens for a specific account address. This can be used to add more tokens to an existing wallet or create a new wallet with tokens.


POST /tokens/mint

Request Format

The request format should be in JSON format and include the following parameters:

  • tokenAddress - The contract address of the token to burn
  • accountAddress - The account address to burn tokens from
  • amount - The amount of tokens to burn

Example Request

  "tokenAddress": "0x2b7a81EF19a12D214F9563E6c6388a2ef892e09F",
  "accountAddress": "0xB78721b29c028B16ab25f4a2adE1d25fbf8B2d74",
  "amount": "1000"


If the request is successful, the response will be a 200 OK status code with an empty response body.

If the request is unsuccessful, an appropriate error response will be returned along with the appropriate HTTP status code.

The API will respond with a JSON object containing the following information:

  • mintingDetails: Gives you detail about your Minted token.

Example Response

  "mintingDetails": "1000 tokens successfully minted to account: 0xB78721b29c028B16ab25f4a2adE1d25fbf8B2d74 for token: 0x2b7a81EF19a12D214F9563E6c6388a2ef892e09F"

Error Responses

In case of an error, the API will respond with a JSON object containing an error message:

  "error": "Error message"


In conclusion, the minting token API allows for the creation of a new NFT by minting a certain amount of tokens associated with a specific token contract address and account address, and returns the minting details such as the token ID and transaction hash upon successful completion.